Saturday, November 12, 2016

Carlsbad Sunset

My beautiful Carlsbad sunset view
Happens daily right on cue
Beauty always without fail
On cloudy days behind a veil
Delights my heart, stirs my soul
Fills my spirit, makes it whole

Seagulls quiet as pelicans pass
Gentle waves like crystal glass
Orange spills to touch my feet
I feel connected and complete
Soft sea breeze caress my face
Close my eyes and feel the grace

Brings me peace, tranquility
Ocean sounds my destiny
Precious moments have their play
Closing curtains of my day
Sunset arrives I am at peace
For me it signals day’s release

Jim Pinto
11 November 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My Godwit

There are lots of birds on my Carlsbad beach
Pelicans passing while seagulls screech
My favorite bird is a soundless loner
On my strip of beach, he is the owner
My godwit arrives when few are around
Keeps going all day, with never a sound
Dancing with foam while dodging the waves
Digging for the sand crabs he specially craves
He buries his long beak down deep in the sand
Most times it seems there is little at hand
But he keeps on digging with tireless jabs
Persistence rewarded with nice tasty crabs
Jim Pinto
12 October 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

Bernie Sanders' Campaign Issues

Look around you to see all the signs
Rich getting richer while middle-class declines
Politicians in the grip of big money donors
Voting like minions obeying their owners
Wall Street and wealthy must pay taxes their share
Not shelter profits with tax dodges not fair
Racial injustice a total outrage
Women’s pay equity, raise minimum wage
Lower prices for drugs and health-care for all
It’s urgent America, we can no longer stall
Save our planet with climate change
Vote for Bernie, he will help us arrange.

Jim Pinto
12 February, 2016